Top Crowdfunding Websites for Startups in 2024

Aleksandra Velickovic

June 14, 2024

As an entrepreneur, you need to know where to look when seeking funding for your startup. While traditional sources like bank loans remain an option, crowdfunding is a popular alternative way to raise capital. With various crowdfunding platforms now available, it can be challenging to identify the best ones to meet your specific needs. We’ll explore the key features of the top crowdfunding websites for startups in 2024, the types of campaigns they support, fees and funding models, and tips for launching a successful crowdfunding campaign. Whether launching a new tech startup or consumer product, this guide will help you find the right crowdfunding site for your business idea.

What Is Crowdfunding and How Does It Work?

Crowdfunding is raising money from larger groups of people, typically through the Internet, for a project or venture. It has become an increasingly favoured method for startups and entrepreneurs to fund new business ideas or product launches without taking out a bank loan.

The Crowdfunding Model

The basic steps in a crowdfunding campaign are:

  1. Come up with an idea for a new product, service, app, film, or other project that needs funding.
  2. Build a profile for your campaign on a crowdfunding website like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or GoFundMe. You describe your idea, set a fundraising goal, and offer different pledge levels with rewards.
  3. People visit your campaign page and pledge money to support your idea. In exchange, they often receive a reward like a product sample or tickets to an event.
  4. If you reach your funding goal within the campaign deadline, the pledges are collected and transferred to you. If not, the pledges are cancelled and no money changes hands.

Benefits of Crowdfunding for Startups

The major benefits of crowdfunding for startups and entrepreneurs are:

  • Access to capital. You can raise money from a large group of people without giving up equity in your business.
  • Market validation. A successful campaign proves people want and will pay for your product or service. This validation can help you secure funding from other sources like venture capital firms.
  • Early customers. Your crowdfunding backers become your first customers, helping you generate buzz and word-of-mouth marketing.
  • Feedback. You can survey your backers and get valuable input to improve your product before launch.
  • Community building: Running a crowdfunding campaign helps build a community of supporters and brand advocates.

Access to funding

Crowdfunding campaigns allow startups to raise money from a large number of people, without giving up equity. This provides access to funding that may not otherwise be available. For many startups, rewards-based or donation-based crowdfunding is an opportunity to raise money without taking on debt or giving up ownership stakes.

Market validation

A successful crowdfunding campaign also acts as market validation for a startup’s product or service. If people are willing to pledge money to a campaign, that is a good indicator that there is real demand and interest in what the startup is creating. This can provide confidence to proceed to the next steps of production and growth.

Building community

Crowdfunding also allows startups to build a community of supporters and brand advocates. Backers of a campaign feel invested in its success and are more likely to become loyal customers and promoters of the business. They can provide word-of-mouth marketing and valuable feedback to help improve the product. This community can be instrumental in the success and longevity of a startup.

Increased visibility

Running a crowdfunding campaign, especially on a major platform, also increases the visibility of a startup and its product or service. With so many people browsing and backing campaigns on sites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and other crowdfunding portals, there is an opportunity for new startups to get discovered by people who may never have found them otherwise. Increased visibility and traction can lead to new opportunities for partnerships, investments, and growth.

While crowdfunding does provide many benefits for startups, it also requires careful planning and hard work to execute a successful campaign. However, when done right, crowdfunding can be an invaluable tool for any new business looking to launch with the support of a community behind them.

Choosing the Right Crowdfunding Platform for Your Business

Crowdfunding has made raising money for startups and new projects more accessible than ever. However, with so many platforms available, finding the right one for your needs can be challenging. Consider the following factors when evaluating options:

Funding model

The two most common crowdfunding models are rewards-based and equity-based.

  • With rewards-based crowdfunding, backers receive a reward like a product sample or experience in exchange for their pledge. Platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo are popular for rewards campaigns.
  • Equity crowdfunding allows backers to invest in your business in exchange for equity or shares. Platforms include SeedInvest and Crowdcube. Evaluate which model matches your funding goals and business needs.


Platform fees can range from 3-10% of the total funds raised. Make sure you understand all fees upfront, including payment processing fees. Some platforms charge an “all-or-nothing” model where you only keep the funds if you meet your campaign goal. Others allow you to keep whatever amount is raised.

Backer demographics

The audiences on different platforms can vary widely. Some sites attract tech-savvy early adopters while others draw hobbyists and DIYers. Study the profiles of successful campaigns on each platform to determine where your project might gain the most traction. Reach out to the platforms directly with any questions about their backer demographics and metrics.

Application process

The application process for crowdfunding platforms usually involves submitting details about your campaign like photos, videos, descriptions, and your fundraising target. However, some sites have more rigorous screening processes than others. Make sure you understand the application requirements for each platform so you can adequately prepare your campaign details and set a realistic launch timeline.

You can launch your crowdfunding campaign efficiently with our MVP Development services designed for startups looking to test the market quickly with a functional prototype.

Top 10 Crowdfunding Websites for Startups in 2024

Several excellent crowdfunding platforms can help your startup raise money from individual backers and angel investors. Each platform has different strengths, fees, and geographic focus.

1. Kickstarter – The pioneer of crowdfunding

Kickstarter is one of the first and largest crowdfunding platforms for creative projects. Since its launch in 2009, over 18 million backers have pledged over $5 billion to fund 150,000+ creative projects, such as films, music, stage shows, comics, journalism, video games, and more.

All-or-nothing funding

One of Kickstarter’s defining features is its all-or-nothing funding model. Project creators set a funding goal and deadline. If the goal is not met by the deadline, no funds are collected. This protects backers from funding projects that never come to fruition and incentivises creators to set realistic funding goals.

Reward-based backing

On Kickstarter, backers pledge money to projects in exchange for rewards like a copy of what’s being created, a limited edition, or a custom experience. This system taps into people’s desire to support creators and gain access to unique rewards. Project creators keep 100% ownership and control of their work while building their community of backers.

Kickstarter is global

While Kickstarter began as a platform for funding creative projects in the United States, it has since expanded internationally. Campaigns can now be launched from over 20 countries, and backers from anywhere in the world can pledge to any project. About a third of successfully funded campaigns have come from creators outside the United States.


Kickstarter charges a 5% fee on successfully funded projects. Payment processing fees of 3-5% also apply. If a project is not successfully funded, no fees are collected. For the opportunity to raise money and build community support, these fees are worthwhile for most creators.

2. Indiegogo – Flexible funding options

Indiegogo offers entrepreneurs a variety of flexible funding options for their startup campaigns. Unlike other platforms where you have to meet a funding goal to keep any of the money raised, Indiegogo lets you choose between keeping all funds raised even if you don’t meet your goal (Flexible Funding) or only keeping the money if you reach your minimum funding goal (Fixed Funding).

With Flexible Funding campaigns, you’ll get to keep all money pledged by backers even if you don’t reach your funding goal. This is a good option if you want to raise as much money as possible for your campaign and are willing to scale back your plans if needed to match what you raise. The downside is that backers are pledging money even though you may not receive enough to fund your campaign fully, so you’ll need to communicate your plans in that scenario.

Fixed Funding campaigns require you to set a minimum funding goal and only allow you to keep funds if you reach that goal. If the goal isn’t met, all backers are refunded their money. This ensures you’ll have enough capital to follow through on your plans. However, if you set an unrealistic goal, you risk not raising any money.

The fee

Indiegogo charges a 5% fee on funds raised, which is higher than some other platforms. However, their flexible funding options and global reach of over 200 countries make them an attractive choice for startups looking to raise seed capital. By choosing the right funding method for your needs and setting a realistic goal, you can run a successful crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo and raise the money you need to launch your startup.

4. GoFundMe – Personal cause fundraising

GoFundMe is a popular crowdfunding platform for personal causes and life events. On GoFundMe, you can create a campaign to raise money for medical expenses, emergencies, memorials, education, and more.

Campaign set-up

Setting up a GoFundMe campaign is free and easy. You’ll create a campaign title and summary, set a fundraising goal, add photos and a longer story to help bring your campaign to life and share your campaign with friends and family via social media to help spread the word. GoFundMe uses an all-or-nothing model, meaning you only keep the money if you reach your goal before the end date. If you don’t reach your goal, donations are returned to the donors.

Fees GoFundMe charges a 5% fee for personal campaigns. This means if you raise $10,000, GoFundMe will deduct $500. Payment processing fees also apply. Funds are deposited directly into your bank account within 2-5 business days after you reach your goal.

Sharing your campaign

The key to success on GoFundMe is spreading the word about your campaign to friends, family, and community. GoFundMe makes it easy to share your campaign on Facebook, Twitter, and Email. They also provide press release templates and social media toolkits to help get local media attention for your cause. The more you share, the more donations your campaign is likely to receive.

Donation management

As donations come in, you’ll receive notifications so you can thank your supporters. GoFundMe automatically provides donation receipts for tax purposes. You can also post updates, photos, and thank you messages on your campaign page to keep donors engaged and informed about your progress and story.

5. Patreon – Recurring funding for creators

Patreon is a popular crowdfunding website that allows creators to raise money from their fans and followers on a recurring basis. Creators can offer certain benefits or rewards at different pledge levels. Fans pledge a few dollars per month to support their favourite creators and gain access to exclusive content and community.

For creators, Patreon provides a steady income stream so they can devote more time to their craft. Patreon takes a small percentage of pledges as a platform fee. Many YouTubers, podcasters, musicians, and other creators use Patreon to fund their work. Rather than relying on ads or sponsorship, creators can build a direct relationship with their biggest fans.

Patreon allows creators to set up reward or benefit tiers for different pledge amounts. For example, a podcaster may offer ad-free episodes to patrons pledging $5 per month, access to a private Discord channel at $10 per month, and a monthly live Q&A at $20 per month. Patrons can cap their monthly pledges at any time. Some creators offer physical rewards and merchandise as well.

Building a fan base

The key to success on Patreon is building a dedicated fan base and offering rewards that your followers will genuinely value and engage with. It may take time to build up your patronage, so creators should go in with realistic expectations. Some tips for getting started:

  • Focus on your most passionate fans: Offer rewards tailored to them.
  • Be transparent about how pledges will be used: For example, say if the goal is to allow you to create more or higher quality content.
  • Promote your Patreon across all your channels: Mention it in videos, newsletters, social media, and live streams.
  • Engage with your patrons: Respond to their messages and comments. Make them feel like valued members of your community.
  • Continue improving and adjusting: Survey your patrons for feedback. Add or change rewards and benefits based on their input.
  • Stay active and post regular updates: Give patrons a behind-the-scenes look at your creative process to keep them engaged.

Patreon provides tools for creators to build genuine connections with their biggest supporters. When used well, it can be an effective way for creators to fund their work and devote more time to their craft. With a little effort, Patreon allows creators at all levels to gain financial freedom and stability.

6. Crowdcube – Best for UK and Europe

Crowdcube is a leading crowdfunding platform designed for startups and investors in the UK and European markets. It focuses on equity-based crowdfunding, allowing startups to raise capital by offering investors ownership shares in their company.

Here’s why Crowdcube might be a good fit for your startup:

  • Strong presence in Europe: If your target market or operations are concentrated in Europe, Crowdcube offers a familiar platform for potential investors within the region.
  • Equity-based funding: Attract investors who believe in your long-term growth potential and are willing to share in your success.
  • Established track record: Crowdcube has a proven record of helping European startups secure funding.

Things to consider:

  • Regional focus. If your startup is based outside of Europe or targets a global audience, other platforms might offer a wider reach.
  • Equity offering. Be prepared for the regulatory requirements and ongoing responsibilities associated with equity crowdfunding.

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7. StartEngine: Launchpad for innovation

StartEngine is a strong contender for high-growth startups seeking capital through equity crowdfunding. Here’s what makes it stand out:

  • Focus on innovation: StartEngine caters to startups with disruptive ideas and significant growth potential.
  • Investor network: They have an extensive investor community of over 800,000 individuals actively seeking high-growth opportunities.
  • Marketing and promotion: The StartEngine platform goes beyond simply listing your service. They actively promote your campaign through targeted advertising, newsletters, and media outreach, potentially boosting your visibility and attracting interested investors.
  • Supportive ecosystem: They provide dedicated account managers to assist with the legal and financial aspects of your raise, streamlining the process for founders. Additionally, partnerships with service providers like HubSpot offer startups access to valuable tools and discounts.

8. Fundable – for small businesses

Fundable caters specifically to the needs of small businesses and startups seeking funding. Here’s why it might be a good fit for you:

  • Flexible funding options: Fundable offers both equity-based and reward-based crowdfunding campaigns. This allows you to choose the approach that best aligns with your fundraising goals and investor preferences.
  • Focus on small businesses: Their platform understands the unique challenges faced by small businesses and provides resources and guidance tailored to your success.
  • Supportive community: Fundable fosters a strong community atmosphere, connecting you with potential investors, mentors, and other entrepreneurs.

9. AngelList: Connecting startups and angel investors

AngelList is a prominent online platform that bridges the gap between startups and angel investors. It functions as a matchmaking service, allowing startups to build profiles, showcase their ventures, and connect with potential investors seeking promising opportunities.

Here’s what makes AngelList one of the most attractive crowdfunding websites for startups:

  • Large investor network: Has a network of angel investors actively searching for exciting startups to back.
  • Focus on early-stage funding: Caters primarily to startups in the early stages of development, seeking seed funding or angel investment.
  • Streamlined fundraising: Provides tools and resources to streamline the fundraising process, including company profile creation, fundraising rounds management, and investor communication features.

Things to consider for startups:

  • Competitive environment: The sheer volume of startups on AngelList can make it challenging to stand out. A well-crafted profile and compelling pitch are crucial.
  • Not for all funding needs: While AngelList excels in early-stage funding, it might not be ideal for startups seeking larger funding rounds from venture capitalists.

10. CircleUp: Data-driven capital for consumer brands

CircleUp takes a unique approach to venture funding, specifically targeting high-growth consumer and retail brands. Their model leverages machine learning and data analysis to identify promising companies and connect them with suitable investors. You can enhance user engagement and increase funding success with professional UI/UX Design services. A compelling design is crucial for converting visitors into contributors on any crowdfunding platform.

Here’s what makes CircleUp appealing for consumer brands:

  • Data-driven matching. Employs advanced analytics to match brands with investors seeking strong potential in the consumer space.
  • Focus on consumer brands. A tailored platform designed to understand the specific needs and challenges faced by consumer-focused startups.
  • Investor network. Provides access to a network of investors experienced in the consumer and retail sectors.

Since it’s limited to consumer and retail brands, CircleUp is unsuitable for startups in other sectors. It also has a selective application process, ensuring a high bar for entry.

What Are the Risks and Challenges of Crowdfunding Websites for Startups?

While crowdfunding offers many benefits, there are risks to be aware of. There is a chance your campaign may not reach its funding goal, in which case you receive no money but have still invested time and resources.

Even successful campaigns often raise less than the goal amount. You’ll also need to deliver any rewards promised to your backers. Some campaigns face difficulties with manufacturing and distributing their products on schedule. Be prepared for these potential challenges before launching your crowdfunding campaign.

Crowdfunding Your Dreams

With the top crowdfunding websites showcased here, you now have several strong options to consider when looking to crowdfund your new business venture or product. Take your time to research each platform in-depth, and think carefully about which aligns best with your campaign goals, audience and content.

Whichever site you choose, try to make the most of its features and community to develop an engaging, shareable campaign. If crafted thoughtfully and promoted well, your crowdfunding project can propel your startup forward.

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