2024 Guide to Software Development Costs: What You Need to Know

Understanding software development costs is no longer about tossing ballpark figures around. It’s about dissecting the many factors that contribute to the cost of custom software development services, from the project’s complexity to the geographical location of your development team. The more you know, the better you can plan and execute.

It’s not just about how much you spend, but knowing why you spend it. This insight can be the difference between a successful project and a costly misstep.

We’ve taken the time to dive into what constitutes these costs, the regional variations in pricing, and how emerging trends like low-code and no-code platforms are reshaping the financial landscape. In this article, we explore each element that will impact software development costs in 2024.

How to Estimate the Cost of Software Development

When we say “software development costs,” what comes to mind? It’s more than just a number on an invoice. For 2024, these costs will have evolved. They’re not just about paying developers; they include factors such as choosing the type of software and the overall complexity of the project. 

Laptops on a table during a meeting on software development costs.
Software development costs encompass everything from the initial brainstorming session to the final line of code.

What are the 5 key factors affecting software development costs?

And we’re not just referring to the developer’s hourly rate here – it’s a comprehensive package. Think of it like planning a vacation. You’re not just paying for the flight; there’s also the accommodation, meals, activities, and unforeseen expenses. Similarly, software development costs can include everything from the initial design, development, testing, and deployment, to ongoing maintenance and updates.

1. Project scope and complexity: Seeing the bigger picture

How much does software development cost? Well, the answer largely depends on the project’s scope and complexity. A simple website might be a breeze, but a multi-layered app with advanced features? That’s a whole different ball game. The more complex your project is, the more time and resources it requires, driving the cost up over time. 

Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Small projects: Think basic websites or apps, usually ranging from $10,000 to $50,000.
  • Medium projects: More complex software with advanced features, possibly reaching $50,000 to $200,000.
  • Large projects: Large-scale enterprise systems, easily exceeding $200,000.

The complexity isn’t just about size. It’s about the intricate details, like the number of features, integration with other systems, and custom requirements.

2. Technology and tools: Choosing wisely

The development environment that you opt for can impact your budget significantly. For instance:

  • Standard tech stack: Using popular, well-supported technologies might keep costs lower, around 10-15% of the project budget.
  • Advanced tech stack: More cutting-edge or specialized technologies can increase costs, sometimes taking up to 25-30% of the total budget.
A person holding a microchip with a phone on the table.
The more advanced the technology, the higher the costs.

3. Geolocation: A world of difference

Location matters, and here’s why:

  • North America and Western Europe: Developers’ rates range from $75 to $200 per hour.
  • Eastern Europe: More budget-friendly with the same skill range, with rates between $25 to $75 per hour.
  • Asia: Offering the most economical rates but at the cost of quality of work, from $15 to $50 per hour.

4. Team quality: Investing in experience vs saving money

The expertise level of your development team is a critical factor, and global operating companies like Capaciteam know that all too well. But finding the best team for the job shouldn’t cost you your annual budget. On the other hand, cutting too many corners can end up costing you a lot of time on an underperforming product. So, it all comes down to finding that silver lining, especially for small and medium-sized companies with a limited budget.

5. The development approach: Methodology matters

The development approach also impacts the end cost of the project:

  • Agile methodology: Offers flexibility and adaptability, but might increase project costs by 15-20% due to ongoing collaboration.
  • Waterfall methodology: More straightforward and potentially less expensive, possibly reducing costs by 10-15%, but with less flexibility for changes.

In 2024, understanding these key factors might just give you a leg up in managing the overall cost of software development. It’s not just about cutting expenses but making smart, informed decisions along the way. You need to balance quality, efficiency, and budget constraints. 

How to break down software development cost by software type

The type of software you develop can significantly impact the overall cost. From mobile apps to cloud-based solutions, each comes with its unique set of development challenges and price points. Let’s explore these variations in detail, starting with the increasingly popular mobile apps.

1. Mobile apps: On-the-go solutions

Mobile apps are a necessity in our daily lives. But how much does software development cost when it comes to mobile development services? The answer varies. 

A basic app can start from as low as $10,000 but can skyrocket to $100,000 or more for apps with advanced features like AI, e-commerce capabilities, or complex integrations. Here’s a breakdown of mobile app cost analysis for 2024:

  • Simple apps: For basic mobile apps, costs can start from around $10,000 to $60,000. These apps typically have fewer features and simpler designs​​.
  • Medium complexity apps: An app with medium complexity might cost between $61,000 and $69,000, reflecting the addition of more features and a more intricate design​​.
  • High-end, feature-rich apps: For feature-laden apps, the costs can escalate to between $70,000 and $100,000 or more, depending on the specifics of the features and functionalities​​.
  • Average cost range: Generally, the average cost of developing a mobile app can range from $60,000 to $250,000, with variations based on factors like complexity, features, and development approach​​​​. 

Whether the app is developed by a freelancer, an in-house team, or an agency can affect the cost. Freelance app developers might charge about $59 per hour on average, while mobile app development agencies could bill higher rates​​.

Key factors:

  • Complexity of features
  • Integration with existing systems
  • Custom design and user experience requirements

2. Web applications: The backbone of online presence

Web applications have become the backbone of many businesses. The cost of developing a web app can range from $20,000 for a simple site to over $200,000 for a feature-rich, custom-built application.

Key factors:

  • Front-end and back-end complexity
  • Custom design and interactive elements
  • Scalability and security requirements

3. Desktop software: The traditional workhorse

Desktop software, though sometimes overshadowed by cloud-based solutions, still plays a vital role in many industries. Developing this type of software can cost between $15,000 and $150,000, depending on the complexity and the specific needs of your business.

Key factors:

  • Operating system compatibility
  • Hardware integration requirements
  • Level of customization

4. Cloud-based solutions: Future-forward technology

Cloud-based solutions are gaining immense popularity due to their scalability and accessibility. The cost of cloud-based software development services can vary widely, starting at $25,000 and going up to $300,000 or more for high-end, enterprise-level systems.

Key factors:

  • Cloud service provider costs
  • Data storage and security measures
  • Customizability and integration with other cloud services


Find the Perfect Blend of Talent, Cost & Quality

What are the Pricing Models in Software Development?

In 2024, picking the right pricing model for software development is more than a financial decision; it’s a strategic one. As we dive into the three most popular models – “Fixed Price”, “Time & Material”, and “Dedicated Team” – understand that each comes with its unique blend of risks and rewards. 

A calculator open on a laptop, calculating software development posts.
You need to pick a suitable pricing model based on your needs.

Fixed price model

In the fixed price model, the cost of the project is agreed upon before the work begins. This model offers predictability and security for both the client and the service provider.


  • Known project cost upfront.
  • Set project completion date.
  • A clear understanding of the final product.


  • Limited flexibility for changes.
  • Not suitable for complex, evolving projects.

Time and material (T&M) model

The T&M model is based on paying for the time spent on a project and the materials used. It’s ideal for projects where requirements are expected to change or are not well-defined.


  • High flexibility for project changes.
  • Ability to start work immediately.
  • More involvement and monitoring during the project.


  • Uncertain total project cost.
  • Flexible, but potentially unclear deadlines.

Dedicated team model

This model involves a long-term partnership with a dedicated team working exclusively on your project.


  • Access to a specialized, experienced team.
  • Efficient workflows from an established team.
  • Cost-effective, especially when outsourcing.


  • Higher initial investment.
  • Requires active management and involvement.

The alternatives

In addition to the Dedicated Team Model, alternative models to the traditional Fixed Price or Time & Material include:

  1. Retainer model: A monthly fee for a set amount of work or hours. This model ensures availability and ongoing support from the development team.
  2. Equity/Revenue Share model: Involves payment through company equity or revenue sharing, suitable for startups with budget constraints but high growth potential.
  3. Hybrid model: Combines elements of different models to offer both flexibility and budget control, tailored to the project’s specific needs.

These models provide varying degrees of flexibility, control, and cost predictability, making them suitable for projects with evolving scopes or long-term development requirements.

How to choose the right model for your project

  1. Define your project scope: Understand the complexity and requirements of your project. For well-defined, short-term projects, a fixed-price model might be suitable.
  2. Assess flexibility needs: If your project is likely to evolve or you are unsure about all the requirements, consider the T&M model for its adaptability.
  3. Consider long-term engagement: If you have an ongoing, large-scale project, or need specialized skills, a dedicated team model can be the most effective.
  4. Budget considerations: Evaluate your budget constraints. Fixed price offers cost certainty, while T&M and dedicated team models provide flexibility at the potential cost of a higher overall fee.

Average Software Development Costs in 2023 

In 2023, the expenses of software development were far from uniform, varying significantly based on named factors. For starters, there is no fixed rate for software development, with costs ranging broadly from $25,000 to $250,000, depending on the project’s intricacy and customization level.


  • MVP Development: Costs typically range from $10,000 to $100,000, with development taking a few months​​.
  • Focus: Startups often seek custom-tailored solutions to address specific user needs.

Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

  • Development cost: Ranges from $50,000 to $500,000 or higher.
  • Project timeline: Usually spans 3 to 6 months.
  • Requirements: Solutions for SMEs often include business process automation, data management, and communication tools​​.

Large Enterprises

  • Development cost: Ranges from $100,000 to several million dollars.
  • Characteristics: Enterprise solutions are complex, featuring advanced functionalities, scalability, and robust integration capabilities​​.
Two developers looking at table with charts and plans.
Different scopes of work demand different rates.

What is the cost of custom software development?

  • Inventory Management Systems: Cost ranges from $20,000 to $100,000, featuring inventory tracking, real-time updates, and user access control.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software: For CRM solutions, prices span from $30,000 to $150,000, providing contact management, lead tracking, and analytics.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software: These systems can cost between $100,000 and $1,000,000. They are crucial in business operations, encompassing financial management, HR management, and production management​​.
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM) Software: For SCM solutions, which include supplier management, logistics tracking, and inventory control, the cost ranges from $50,000 to $250,000​​.

How to Secure Funding for Your Software Development Project

In the intricate world of software development in 2024, mastering the art of budgeting is key. Let’s explore some strategies and tips to manage and optimize your software development costs.

Define the project in stakeholder-friendly terms

Start with an elevator pitch that communicates the project’s intent, its value proposition, and its potential impact on cost savings or revenue generation​​.

Connect with stakeholders early

Engage key stakeholders from the start to gain early buy-in and shape a more realistic budget, especially for MVPs (Minimum Viable Products)​​.

Define deliverables for the MVP

Break down the project into key sections and tasks. Consider factors like backend processing, user experience design, security measures, and development methodology​​.

Use historical data to estimate labour costs

Analyze past project data to estimate the time and cost required for similar tasks, ensuring a more accurate budget prediction​​.

Incorporate all other expenses

Account for additional costs like equipment, tooling, sprint lengths, and project timelines. These can significantly affect the overall budget​​.

Plan for contingencies

Include a contingency budget to address unforeseen challenges or changes during the project. Axia suggests adding 5% for smaller projects and up to 30% for larger, more complex builds​​.

Document your budget

Ensure your budget is well-documented and communicated to all stakeholders, allowing for adjustments as the project evolves​​.

A person having a meeting over a laptop, discussing how much does software development cost.
Communication is one of the key elements in the budgeting process.

The role of project management in controlling costs

Effective project management is crucial in controlling software development costs. It involves:

  • Regular monitoring: Keep track of progress and expenses to prevent budget overruns.
  • Effective communication: Maintain open lines of communication with the development team and stakeholders.
  • Risk management: Identify potential risks early and plan strategies to mitigate them.

Budgeting for software development in 2024 doesn’t have to be a scary task. With the right strategies, a keen eye on managing costs, and effective project management, you can navigate these financial waters with confidence. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the intricacies of software development budgeting in our upcoming sections.

How to reduce software development costs without sacrificing quality

How much does software development cost, and is there a way to make it cheaper? Here are some practical tips and strategies to achieve a balance between cost, time, and quality without breaking the bank.

  1. Plan effectively: A well-planned project saves time, and money, and reduces the need for developers to work overtime. Setting realistic expectations and timelines is crucial to avoid costly mistakes and missteps​​.
  2. Reuse components & trim excess: Focus on reusable components and avoid overcomplicating features. 
  3. Choose the right technology stack: Opt for open-source languages and tools. This can reduce costs by lowering licensing and maintenance fees, and open-source communities often provide rapid issue resolution and continuous improvement​​​​.
  4. Outsource wisely: Outsourcing your project can be more cost-effective than in-house development. It allows for greater control over budget allocation and offers access to a global talent pool at competitive rates​​​​.
  5. Embrace DevOps and lean principles: DevOps services can accelerate development cycles and reduce labour costs. Lean principles focus on eliminating waste and maximizing value, ensuring development efforts align with end-user needs​​.
  6. Start with an MVP: The Minimum Viable Product approach focuses on essential features, reducing development time and resources. This process allows for early user feedback, helping to refine and expand the product based on real-world insights​​.
  7. Leverage Cloud Computing: Cloud computing can significantly reduce expenses by eliminating the need for heavy upfront investments in physical infrastructure. 

The Financial Benefits of Outsourcing Software Development

Outsourcing stands as a strategic cornerstone for many organizations. By tapping into global talent, companies aim to reduce costs and accelerate product development. 

The IT Outsourcing market is soaring, with projected revenues reaching $460 billion in 2023 and a growth rate of 11.07% annually, potentially hitting $778 billion by 2028​​. This trend is largely driven by the quest for cost efficiency without compromising on quality.

Technological advancements have reshaped offshore IT outsourcing, leading to hybrid models that blend onshore and offshore resources. This approach balances maintaining critical in-house functions with cost-optimized outsourcing for specific tasks, ensuring quality remains a priority​​​​.

How to choose an outsourcing partner

Choosing the right outsourcing partner can significantly affect your budget. Organizations are now focusing on quality and expertise, preferring partners with specialized IT services and a proven track record. This shift ensures the delivery of high-quality software products. 

In addition, companies consider geopolitical factors and data security compliance, seeking partners who adhere to stringent standards like GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA to protect sensitive information​​​​.

Managing offshore teams to maximize cost efficiency

In 2024, mastering offshore and nearshore team management is like navigating a high-tech treasure hunt. Nearshoring is in the spotlight for its ease of collaboration and communication, thanks to closer locations and shared time zones. 

Choosing outsourcing partners committed to ethics and responsibility matters a lot. It’s also crucial to address remote work challenges, like cybersecurity, by partnering with firms that take data safety seriously. 

A good offshoring partner can help streamline your project, balancing costs and efficiency. Get this right, and you’re set for success in the evolving world of software development outsourcing.

TrendDescriptionImpact on Costs
AI and AutomationAI tools automate coding and testing, reducing errorsReduces development time and costs
Low/No-Code PlatformsNon-technical users can build apps, reducing traditional coding needsLowers barriers to entry, reducing costs
CybersecurityStrong security measures become essentialInitial costs offset by preventing costly breaches
Edge Computing and BlockchainEnhanced performance and securityHigher upfront costs, but efficient in the long run
Extended Reality (XR)Immersive technologies in various industriesOpens new markets but increases development costs
Green Software DevelopmentEnergy-efficient and sustainable practicesAdditional investment, but socially responsible
Ethical AIFocus on bias, privacy, and societal impactMay require more investment in ethical practices
Remote CollaborationGlobal, distributed development teamsReduces physical infrastructure costs
Cross-Platform DevelopmentSoftware runs on multiple devices and platformsReduces development costs, improves accessibility

Bottom Line

Grasping and managing software development costs in 2024 is more crucial than ever. It’s like steering a ship through a storm—with understanding the costs as your compass. Plan with care, chart your course in detail, and don’t shy away from seeking expert advice. Think of low-code platforms and strategic outsourcing as shortcuts to cost savings. 

The bottom line? Stay alert and adaptable. This guide is your straightforward path through the complex world of software development costs, helping you make informed choices in an exciting tech future.