10 Proven Ways to Secure Startup Funding

How great of a feeling is it, right? You get that next-level idea that has the potential to change everything and the more you get into it, the more excited you get. Next thing you know, you’re planning how to build a company around that idea – the people, the tools, the branding, the MVP development solutions, etc. But before you do anything, you realise there’s one big obstacle – getting the budget for your business plan. The good news is that you’re not alone in this. Keep reading our article to explore ten tried-and-tested strategies for you to secure startup funding.

The Current State of Startup Funding

Getting funding for a startup today is a blend of challenges and opportunities. High interest rates have created a more demanding environment for securing a budget, leading to a natural selection where only the most innovative startups thrive​​. 

Two people sitting by a table, calculating startup funding.
The competition for startup funding nowadays is higher than ever.

Despite these hurdles, global venture capital investment activity remains stable, with particular interest in startups focusing on artificial intelligence (AI), sustainability, and the energy transition, especially in electric vehicle infrastructure​​.

  1. Democratised Financing: There’s an increasing shift towards democratised financing, allowing a more diverse group of entrepreneurs to access funding opportunities​​.
  2. Focus on ESG Practices: Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices are becoming a priority for startups and investors, aligning investment decisions with broader impacts​​​​.
  3. Larger Funding Rounds and Later-Stage Investments: Indicates a focus on startups poised for growth and expansion​​.
  4. Meritocratic Approach by Investment Firms: Investment firms are increasingly adopting a meritocratic approach, focusing on the intrinsic value and potential rather than just the market hype​​.
  5. Back-to-Basics in VC Funding: A reset in venture capital funding is highlighting startup fundamentals rather than speculative trends.

What are the Best Ways to Secure Startup Funding in 2024?

Whether you are a tech innovator or a creative entrepreneur, the right funding route can catapult your vision from a sketch on a napkin to a market-shaping venture:

  • Bootstrapping
  • Angel Investors
  • Venture Capital
  • Crowdfunding
  • Small Business Loans
  • Government Grants & Subsidies
  • Corporate Sponsorships & Partnerships
  • Incubators and Accelerators
  • Convertible Notes
  • Joint Ventures

Let’s delve deeper into the different types of startup funding sources, tailored to help you navigate this complex and dynamic environment. Keep reading to learn how to leverage these trends and secure the budget to scale your startup.

#1 Bootstrapping: Self-Funding Your Startup

When it comes to securing startup funding, bootstrapping or self-funding stands out as a compelling first step. This approach involves using your financial resources to support your startup’s initial growth. It’s a strategy that speaks volumes about your commitment and belief in your business idea.

What is bootstrapping?

At its core, bootstrapping is all about self-reliance. You’re not seeking external funding or investors; instead, you’re dipping into your savings, relying on personal finances, or perhaps even revenue from the business (if it’s already operational) to fuel your startup’s journey. This method can be a game-changer, especially in the early stages of your startup.

The advantages of bootstrapping

  1. Full Control: One of the most significant advantages of bootstrapping is maintaining complete control over your business decisions. Without external investors, you’re the captain of your ship, steering it in the direction you believe is best.
  2. Less Pressure: Without the pressure of pleasing investors or meeting their expectations, you get to experience growth at your own pace. This can lead to more organic, sustainable growth.
  3. Greater Commitment: Bootstrapping often results in a higher level of personal commitment to the success of your startup. It’s your money on the line, after all.

Examples of successful bootstrapped companies

  1. GitHub: A classic example of bootstrapping done right, GitHub was regarded as just a weekend project by its founders, covering all the initial costs by themselves back in 2008. By 2013, the web-based hosting provider had 3 million registered users. In 2018, Microsoft acquired the brand for $7.5 billion.
  2. Mailchimp: This popular email marketing platform started as a side project. It was entirely self-funded and grew organically, without external funding, into a company valued at over $4 billion.

#2 Angel Investors: Leveraging Individual Funding

When figuring out how to get funding for startups, tapping into the resources of angel investors can be a game-changer. These high-net-worth individuals bring in crucial capital but also offer invaluable mentorship and industry connections.

A group of IT experts meeting with an angel investor to secure startup funding.
Pitch competitions can be a great way to attract angel investors.

What are angel investors?

Angel investors are affluent individuals who provide capital for startups, usually in exchange for ownership equity or convertible debt. Unlike venture capitalists, angel investors fund startups at their beginning stages, often when the risk is highest and the need for guidance is the most important.

Attracting angel investors

  1. Craft a compelling story: Angel investors invest in people as much as they do in ideas. Narrate your startup’s story in a way that resonates with them, showing passion, expertise, and a clear vision.
  2. Showcase your market potential: Demonstrate a deep understanding of your market. Provide data-driven insights to prove your startup addresses a real, sizable market need.
  3. Build a strong team: A dedicated and skilled team can significantly boost your startup’s appeal. Show that you have the right people to turn your vision into a reality.

Networking and pitching to angel investors

  1. Leverage networking events: Attend startup meets, industry seminars, and other networking events where angel investors are likely to be present. Use these platforms to introduce your startup.
  2. Refine your pitch: Your pitch should be concise, clear, and compelling. It should outline your business idea, market opportunity, revenue model, and what makes your startup unique.
  3. Use online platforms: Websites like AngelList and LinkedIn can be instrumental in connecting with angel investors. Create a strong presence and engage actively with potential investors.
  4. Follow-up and feedback: After pitching, always follow up. Be open to feedback, even if it’s a ‘no’. It shows professionalism and resilience, qualities that investors admire.

#3 Venture Capital: For High-Growth Startups

Venture capital is a form of private equity provided by investors to startups and small businesses with strong growth potential. Unlike traditional loans, VCs invest in exchange for equity, betting on the future success of the company. This type of funding is particularly suitable for tech startups due to the high-risk and high-reward nature of the tech industry.

Why are VC funding and tech startups the perfect match?

  1. Tech startups’ scalability: Tech startups often have the potential to scale quickly, making them attractive to VCs looking for high returns on their investments.
  2. Innovation and disruption: VCs are drawn to businesses that disrupt existing markets or create new ones, a common trait in tech startups.

Strategies to secure venture capital

Venture capital (VC) funding is a cornerstone in startup financing, especially for those in the tech sector aiming for rapid growth and scale. Understanding how to navigate this path can be the key to unlocking substantial financial and strategic resources for your startup.

  1. Strong business plan: Develop a comprehensive business plan that outlines your value proposition, market analysis, business model, and financial projections.
  2. Solid MVP (Minimum Viable Product): Demonstrating a functional MVP can significantly enhance your credibility and show potential for market traction.
  3. Impressive team: VCs invest in people. Having a skilled and experienced team can be as important as the idea itself.

What do VCs look for?

  1. Market potential: VCs are interested in businesses that target large and growing markets.
  2. Unique Value Proposition (UVP): Your startup should offer a unique solution or significant improvement over existing solutions.
  3. Scalability: The ability to grow rapidly without proportional increases in costs is key.
  4. Exit strategy: VCs often look for a clear exit strategy, such as an acquisition or an IPO, that can provide a high return on investment.

#4 Crowdfunding: Harnessing the Power of the Crowd

In the diverse world of tech startup funding, crowdfunding is a unique and powerful tool. It’s not just about raising money; it’s about building a community around your startup. Let’s explore how you can leverage crowdfunding platforms to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey.

White paper with the list of benefactors for tech startup funding.
Having people believe in your vision can propel your business toward success.

Understanding crowdfunding platforms

Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GoFundMe have revolutionized startup funding. They operate by allowing individuals to invest small amounts of money in return for various rewards or the product itself. This method is particularly effective for startups with a product or idea that resonates with a broad audience.

Why crowdfunding?

  1. Validation and exposure: Crowdfunding is a great way to validate your product idea and gain exposure. A successful campaign is a strong indicator of market demand.
  2. Community building: It allows you to build a community of supporters invested in your success, providing invaluable feedback and advocacy.
  3. Flexibility: You can set your terms, goals, and rewards.

Best practices for a successful crowdfunding campaign

  1. Compelling storytelling: Create a compelling narrative around your product. People invest in stories and visions as much as they do in products.
  2. Engaging video content: A captivating video can significantly boost your campaign’s appeal, showcasing your product and sharing your passion.
  3. Attractive rewards: Offer enticing rewards that align with different levels of funding. It could range from early access to the product to exclusive experiences.
  4. Transparent communication: Keep your backers updated throughout the campaign. Transparency builds trust and fosters a sense of community.
  5. Strategic promotion: Leverage social media and other marketing channels to promote your campaign. Engage with your audience and keep the momentum going.

Crowdfunding is more than just a funding mechanism; it’s a platform for storytelling, community building, and market validation. By understanding this, startups can not only raise funds but also gain early adopters and valuable market insights. Remember, with crowdfunding, you’re not just asking for money; you’re inviting people to be part of your startup’s journey.

#5 Small Business Loans: Traditional Financing

For many startups, traditional financing in the form of small business loans remains a viable and crucial funding avenue. Understanding the nuances of these loans can unlock doors to crucial capital, essential for your startup’s growth and stability.

What types of small business loans are there?

Small business loans come in various forms, each catering to different needs and stages of a startup. Common types include:

  1. Term loans: These are standard loans where you borrow a fixed amount of money and repay it over a set term with interest. They are ideal for well-established startups with strong credit histories.
  2. SBA loans: The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) offers several loan programs for small businesses. They are backed by the government, often featuring lower interest rates and longer repayment terms.
  3. Lines of credit: Rather than receiving a lump sum, a line of credit allows you to access funds up to a certain limit and pay interest only on the amount used. It’s perfect for managing cash flow and unexpected expenses.
A piece of paper with multiple graphs showing different metrics.
Get all of the info you need before applying for any kind of loan.

How to successfully apply for a small business loan

  1. Prepare a detailed business plan: Define your business model, market analysis, financial projections, and how you intend to use the loan.
  2. Understand your credit score: Your personal and business credit scores significantly impact your loan application. Ensure they are in good shape before applying.
  3. Gather necessary documentation: Be prepared with all required documents, including financial statements, tax returns, and legal documents related to your business.
  4. Explore various lenders: Don’t limit yourself to traditional banks. Credit unions, online lenders, and community banks also offer small business loans, sometimes with more favourable terms.
  5. Be clear about the purpose of the loan: Lenders prefer lending to businesses with a well-defined purpose for the funds.

#6 Government Grants and Subsidies

In the quest for startup funding, government grants and subsidies offer a pathway worth exploring. Unlike loans, these funds don’t need to be repaid, making them an attractive option for new businesses. Let’s dive into the world of government support for startups.

Government grants and subsidies support startups in various sectors, especially those focused on innovation, technology, and social impact. These programs often target specific industries or objectives, such as environmental sustainability, healthcare advancements, or technological innovation.

Types of government grants and subsidies

  1. Research and development grants: Common funding for tech startups or businesses developing new technologies or products.
  2. Green energy subsidies: If your startup is in the renewable energy sector, look for subsidies promoting sustainable practices.
  3. Small business grants for minorities and women: Some programs specifically support underrepresented groups in the entrepreneurial space.
  4. Local economic development grants: Offered by local governments to stimulate economic growth within a particular region.

Applying for government grants

  1. Understand the eligibility criteria: Each grant has specific requirements. Ensure your startup meets these criteria before applying.
  2. Prepare a detailed proposal: Your application should include a comprehensive plan detailing how the funds will be used and the expected impact on your startup and the wider community.
  3. Maintain compliance: Government grants often come with stipulations regarding how funds should be used. 
  4. Stay informed on deadlines: Grant applications have strict deadlines. Keep track of these dates to ensure your application is submitted on time.
  5. Seek assistance if needed: Don’t hesitate to seek help from financial advisors or grant writing experts to strengthen your application.

#7 Corporate Sponsorships and Partnerships

For startups, aligning with larger, established companies through corporate sponsorships and partnerships can be a strategic move. This route not only provides funding but also offers valuable resources, mentorship, and market access. 

Corporate sponsorships are more than just financial support; they’re about building a symbiotic relationship where both parties benefit. Startups get the necessary funding and industry insights, while corporates can invest in innovative ideas and keep a pulse on the latest industry trends.

Why consider corporate partnerships?

  1. Access to resources: Large companies can offer resources that might be out of reach for startups, like advanced technology, expert mentorship, or marketing support.
  2. Market credibility: An association with a well-known corporation can significantly boost your startup’s credibility and visibility.
  3. Networking opportunities: Such partnerships can open doors to a vast network of industry contacts, potential clients, and future investors.

How to land corporate partnerships in six steps

  1. Identify potential partners: Look for companies whose business goals align with your vision and products.
  2. Develop a value proposition: Clearly articulate what your startup can offer. This could be an innovative product, access to a niche market, or unique expertise.
  3. Craft a customized pitch: Each corporate sponsor will have different interests and goals. Tailor your pitch to address their specific needs and how the partnership can benefit them.
  4. Build relationships: Networking is key. Attend industry events, participate in business forums, and use professional platforms like LinkedIn to connect with key decision-makers.
  5. Prepare for due diligence: Corporates may conduct a thorough evaluation of your startup. Ensure your business plans, financials, and legal documents are in order.
  6. Negotiate mutually beneficial terms: When finalizing a partnership, ensure that the terms are favourable to both parties. This might include funding, resource allocation, and intellectual property rights.
A guy walking up to a woman wearing VR googles and a guy leaning on a motorbike right next to her.
Make sure you approach the investors with a killer pitch.

#8 Incubators and Accelerators: Comprehensive Support

Understanding how these programs work and how to get accepted can be a game changer for your startup’s growth trajectory.

How do incubators and accelerators work?

  1. Startup Incubators: These are organizations designed to nurture startups during their early stages by providing resources like office space, mentorship, and sometimes, seed funding. They focus on building a strong foundation for startups over a longer duration.
  2. Startup Accelerators: These programs are more intense and time-constrained, typically lasting a few months. They aim to accelerate the growth of existing startups through mentorship, education, and funding, often culminating in a pitch event or demo day.

Getting accepted and benefits

  1. The application process: Most incubators and accelerators have a competitive application process. Startups need to showcase their uniqueness, potential for growth, and a committed team.
  2. Benefits: Beyond funding, these programs offer networking opportunities, expert mentorship, and access to investors and other resources critical for growth.

#9 Convertible Notes: Flexible Funding Option

Convertible notes are an innovative and flexible tech startup funding tool, especially popular in the early stages.

A convertible note is a short-term debt that converts into equity, typically in conjunction with a future financing round. It’s one of the types of startup funding that allows startups to raise funds without immediately determining a valuation.

What are the advantages of early-stage funding?

  1. Flexibility: They offer flexibility in terms of valuation and give startups time to grow and prove their worth.
  2. Simplicity: The process is generally simpler and faster than traditional equity funding rounds.
  3. Alignment of Interests: Convertible notes align the interests of investors and founders, as both parties anticipate the company’s growth.

#10 Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures

Strategic alliances and joint ventures can be powerful tools for startups looking to scale up and expand their market reach.

These partnerships allow startups to collaborate with other companies to share resources, knowledge, and markets, which can lead to accelerated growth and innovation.

How to find and secure the right partnerships

  1. Identify Synergies: Look for companies with complementary skills, products, or market presence.
  2. Due Diligence: Conduct thorough research on potential partners to ensure alignment of goals and values.
  3. Negotiate Terms: Clearly define the terms of the alliance or joint venture, including roles, contributions, and profit-sharing.

Sometimes, the perfect partnership is just one click away. Capaciteam is a company that understands how important it is to have the right team of people to help you turn your idea into a profitable product. By opting for offshore development services, you can reduce your initial expenses and find the manpower necessary to secure funding for your startup.


Secure Top Talents for Your Startup

The Bottom Line

The harsh truth is that startups have it rough. The most recent findings show that the failure rate for new startups is close to 90% (Exploding Topics, November 2023). So, the best way to make sure that you get into the success stories is to establish a strong budget.

Startup funding gets you the resources you need to acquire the right expertise, marketing plans, and long-term sustainability. Now, we explored the most popular strategies in this article, but there are more out there. It all comes down to how invested you are and how much you are willing to push to make it happen.

Capaciteam can provide you with the technical expertise to build and maintain your startup in the months to come. All you need to do is let us know what your needs are and allow us to create a tailored team of developers for the job.

Useful links: How to Hire App Developers for Your Startup